Stories from the Valleys: Citizen Journalism
As part of #TalkValleys we are looking at collecting peoples stories of living in the Valleys.

Give your thoughts about what it is like to live in your local community

We would like you to get involved! This might be sharing your story, keeping a journal, identifying people who are willing to share their stories and becoming a Citizen Journalist, or even involving and training volunteers to collect stories themselves. The data that will come out of this is intended to inform local development as part of the Welsh Government’s task force plan. Importantly however it will also be made available to individuals and organisations (along with training on how to use it), which could be particularly useful for identifying needs, opportunities and evidence for funding bids. 

The Stories from the Valleys project is already up and running, and we will be organising events in 2018 to which journal keepers and journalists will be invited, so keep an eye out for further updates. To find out more click here or to get involved email us at: #TalkValleys