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Environmental Well-being

A healthy natural environment

A healthy natural environment can be a cost-effective way of regenerating and enhancing neighbourhoods. The environment influences tourism, which in turn supports investment, provides jobs and opportunities to learn new skills.

"Opportunities to build on Cwm Taf’s potential as a premium cycling destination"


"A focus on new, emerging 'green' technologies can help develop skills, training, and employment that will put Cwm Taf at the forefront of sustainability"


The environment and health

Cwm Taf’s environment (urban and countryside) has an important role to play in improving people’s health and wellbeing.

"People in Cwm Taf associate physical activity with well-being"


"Cwm Taf has a wealth of community based activities and sports clubs"


"Cwm Taf has over 800km of public rights of way and about a third of land is open access"


Managing local areas

Greater community involvement can be a catalyst for improving physical and mental well-being through developing skills, combating isolation, encouraging social bonding, building community capacity, and culture, the arts and language in describing a relationship to the environment.

"There are ten green flag areas and two green flag communities in Cwm Taf"


"Large areas of Cwm Taf forests and woodlands are publically owned"


"The environment in Cwm Taf is perceived as a tremendous asset, making people feel proud, positive and happy"


Changing climate

Cwm Taf will need to plan adaptation measures to secure the long-term resilience of its communities from the impacts of severe weather.

"Healthy Hillsides’, a multi-partner approach pro-actively managing the Rhondda’s hillsides, and minimising the impact and severity of wildfires"


"Restoring peatland and upland habitats via planning conditions and agreements for windfarms, and bringing them into long-term positive management"


"An increase in community food growing encouraging people to grow and eat their own fruit and veg, helping reduce the risk of ill-health and obesity"


Unique wildlife

Nature enriches our lives and provides us with the foundations and protection for life.

"The wildlife of Cwm Taf is unique, diverse and important"


"Public assets in Cwm Taf provide opportunities for organisations and communities to work together"


Safe, outdoor play space for children

Children are spending less time outdoors but access to safe, natural play space outdoors has been shown to improve physical and emotional well-being. Playing in nature strengthens children’s ability to cope with stress, encourages an interest in looking after the environment and contributes towards agility, balance, creativity, social cooperation and concentration.

"Children (and their parents) in Cwm Taf enjoy outdoor activities"


"Skogsmulle, the early years outdoor learning programme has been taken up by schools in Cwm Taf"


"Young people in Cwm Taf increasingly enjoy participating in sport"


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