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Homes and Housing

Feeling safe and secure in warm, dry homes is essential for our well-being. When we think of valleys communities we picture rows of terraced houses as part of our mining past but times and tastes are changing and we need the homes and housing in Cwm Taf to remain suitable, affordable and sustainable. We also need suitable and appropriate homes and communities for our changing population.

Use this tab to find out about the housing stock in Cwm Taf, accessing support if you are struggling in your home and advice on who to contact if you are at risk of homelessness. You can also out how the PSB is working in this sector to achieve its objectives. The data tab will provide more information on this topic.

Seasonal News and items will be added here during the year.

Thriving Communities our homes collectively form our communities and having somewhere safe to stay is key to building resilience. Neighbourhood networks like the ones being established in Ferndale and Gurnos will help people to access information, advice and assistance to create these safe homes.

Healthy People living in poor housing conditions, such as damp or with poor air quality, affects our health. Being able to stay well at home improves our physical and mental well-being, and promotes being independent for as long as possible.

Strong Economy We want people to work, rest and play in Cwm Taf and having affordable and suitable accommodation is crucial to this. When we think about future developments we have to consider access to green or open spaces, transport links and green housing options.

Tackling Loneliness and Isolation physically remote houses or houses not suitable for their residents can lead to feelings of loneliness and isolation. There are services that can help people to get out, give reasons for getting about and advice on making houses more suitable for their residents.

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