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The members of the Cwm Taf Public Services Board are committed to developing a collaborative public service that puts the people in our communities at its centre.

We intend to lead our organisations through a change in culture to a more innovative, integrated and preventative way of doing things for the benefit of people who live and work in Cwm Taf now and in the future. We will use our influence as a Board to encourage other public organisations to adopt the same approach and to make a collective effort in overcoming any legislative, financial or practical barriers to achieving our intent.

We aim to shift focus from reacting to problems and challenge 'crisis management', seeking to make decisions for the long term benefit of people in Cwm Taf. We aim to focus our joint efforts far more on better outcomes for the people we serve through understanding and tackling the causes of problems and preventing situations from arising.

To do this, we aim to be radical, removing the divisions between services to develop a way of working that makes sense to us and to the people and communities we serve. To understand what that means, we will be involving people, in an equal relationship to the Board, to design, deliver and improve services.

This will involve working together with citizens, and within our own organisations, in a different way through making some high-risk decisions and attempting the things that seem too difficult to do.

As a Board, we intend to spend our finances in a different way, continue to train our staff to get to the root of issues and give permission to staff to support and enable people to live better lives.

Who we are:

The Cwm Taf Public Services Board is made up of the senior managers and leaders of the public and voluntary sector organisations across Merthyr Tydfil and Rhondda Cynon Taf, including:

  • Chief Constable, South Wales Police (current Chair);
  • Chief Superintendent, South Wales Police;
  • Operations Manager, Natural Resources Wales;
  • Elected Leaders, Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council and Rhondda Cynon Taf Council;
  • Chairs, Voluntary Action Merthyr Tydfil and Interlink RCT;
  • Deputy Police & Crime Commissioner, South Wales Police.
  • Chair, Cwm Taf University Health Board;
  • Director, Welsh Government.
  • Chief Executive, Cwm Taf University Health Board;
  • Director of Public Health, Cwm Taf University Health Board;
  • Chief Executives, Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council and Rhondda Cynon Taf Council;
  • Chief Fire Officer, South Wales Fire and Rescue Service;
  • Chief Officer for Cwm Taf, National Probation Service;
  • Chief Officer for Cwm Taf, Community Rehabilitation Company.

It is the principal strategic leadership forum for the planning, commissioning and delivery of public services across organisational boundaries to achieve better outcomes for the people of Cwm Taf

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